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For Sale: Ms. Pac-Man Cocktail Table

Ms. Pac-Man Table Top Console Game Type: Coin-Operated
Model Type: Cocktail
Quantity in Stock: 6
Manual Included: Yes

Price: $450.00
Manufacturer: Midway Mfg. Co.
Model Number: 599

Ms. Pac-Man
Cocktail model
No. 599

Description: The cocktail model came in the standard Namco/Midway woodgrain cocktail table. It was minimally adorned with a logo underneath the top glass, and instructions on the control panels.

For Sale: Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Coin-Op Machine Image Game Type: Coin-Operated
Model Type: Upright Cabinet
Quantity in Stock: 3
Manual Included: Yes

Price: $650.00

Manufacturer: Nintendo
Model Number: 702

Main CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz), I8035 (@ 400 Khz)
Sound Chips : Discrete circuitry

Players: 2
Control: 4-way joystick
Buttons: 1 (JUMP)

Description: Donkey Kong is a legendary arcade platform game in which the player takes on the role of "Jumpman", who would later be renamed "Mario" and would go on to become Nintendo's mascot and a gaming legend. In this game, he must battle his way to the top of each level to rescue his beloved Pauline; who has been kidnapped by the giant ape, Donkey Kong.

For Sale: Dig Dug

Dig Dug Coin-Op Machine ImageGame Type: Coin-Operated
Model Type: Upright Cabinet
Quantity in Stock: 4
Manual Included: Yes

Price: $600.00

Manufacturer: Namco. Ltd.
Model Number: 428

Main CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sub CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Namco 3-channel WSG

Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 1 (PUMP)

Description: Dig Dug is single screen action game in which the player must dig horizontal and vertical tunnels to reach and eliminate the underground-dwelling monsters living there. This is achieved by either inflating them with an air pump until they explode, or by dropping rocks onto them.

For Sale: Centipede

Atari Centipede Flyer Game Type: Coin-Operated
Model Type: Upright Cabinet
Quantity in Stock: 2
Manual Included: Yes

Price: $650.00

Manufacturer: Atari
Model Number: 136001

Height: 71 in. (180.34 cm)
Width: 26.75 in. (67.95 cm)
Depth: 25.25 in. (64.14 cm)

Main CPU : MOS Technology M6502 (@ 1.512 Mhz)
Sound Chips : POKEY (@ 1.512 Mhz)

Players : 2
Control : trackball
Buttons : 1 (FIRE)

Description: Centipede is a vertically oriented single screen shoot-em-up in which the aim is to use the 'Bug Blaster' to shoot the centipedes that snake down towards the bottom of the screen to amass as high a score as possible.

Coin-Op Spotlight: Pac-Man Party

Pac-Man was released in October 1980 in North America by Bally/Midway, under license from Namco. 96,000 units were produced in America. Reportedly, when Bally/Midway obtained the rights to Pac-Man, Namco was offering four different games, which ended up being licensed to Game Plan and Bally/Midway. Game Plan's Ken Anderson reports that he and Bally's Dave Marofske flipped a coin to see who would get first crack at the games. Game Plan won and chose a tank game (which they released as "Tank Battalion") over Pac-Man. The other game they got was released as "King & Balloon". Bally/Midway, meanwhile, took Pac-Man and "Rally-X".

Midway made the following changes to the game (from the original Namco version):

- The game's name (and likewise its main character) has been changed to Pac-Man. Refer to the Namco Upright version entry, Trivia section, for details behind this name change.

- The name/nickname combinations for the ghosts in this version are:
Shadow - "Blinky" (red ghost)
Speedy - "Pinky" (pink ghost)
Bashful - "Inky" (cyan ghost)
Pokey - "Clyde" (orange ghost)

- Notice that the pink ghost's nickname remains unchanged from the Japanese version.

- Unlike the Japanese version, the American version has no DIP switch for alternate ghost names.

The game's cult status in the early 80's was such that it inspired a hit song by 'Buckner and Garcia' called 'Pac-Man Fever', released in 1982 on the album of the same name.

The game also spawned a virtual cottage industry of best-selling how-to books strategy guides on how to beat the game by using patterns with names like the "Bazo's Breaker", the "Donut Dazzler" and the "GET pattern" (named after the first initials of the members of a team of players from Davis, California: George Huang, Ed Bazo, and Tom Fertado).

A Pac-Man unit appears in the movie 'Getting There', in the 1982 movie 'Jekyll & Hyde - Together Again', in the 1982 movie 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High', in the 1983 movie 'WarGames', in the 1983 movie 'Joysticks', in the 1983 movie 'Koyaanisqatsi - Life out of Balance', in the 1985 movie 'The Heavenly Kid', in the 1985 movie 'Better Off Dead', and in the 1986 movie 'The Color of Money'.

A Pac-Man unit appears in the pilot of Season One of 'The A-Team'. It is where Amy (Melinda Culea) meets Murdock (Dwight Schultz) for the first time.

MB (Milton Bradley) released a board game based on this video game in 1982 (Pac-Man Game, 'As Much Fun as the Action Packed Arcade Game of the Same Name'). In this board game, the dots in the maze are represented by white marbles. There are also yellow marbles representing the power pills in the maze. There are also two ghosts pawns of the same color in the game. The object is to roll the dice and move your Pac-Man playing piece around the maze gobbling up as many marbles as you can using the count on one die, and move either ghost pawn using the count on the other die. There are yellow dots imprinted on the game board to lay out the path each character must take; these dots do not count as spaces. Use the ghosts to try to catch your opponents. When this happens, that opponent is sent back home and surrenders two marbles to the player who moved the ghost. If a Pac-Man gobbles up a yellow marble, that player earns the right to gobble a ghost. When this happens, the gobbled ghost is returned to the ghost pen, the player takes two marbles away from any opponent, and the player's yellow marble is returned to the game board. Once the maze is cleared of white marbles, the game is over and the player with the most white marbles (yellow marbles do not count) is the winner.

'Pac-Man' is also the nickname of the Filipino boxing champion Manny Pacquiao. The two-time world champion earned the distinction as the only boxer who has knocked down both future Mexican 'Hall of Famer' Marco Antonio 'Baby Face Assassin' Barrera (knocked out in 11th round) and Erik 'El Terrible' Morales (knocked out in 10th round). Pacquiao has been on the top 10 list of the best 'pound-for-pound' fighters in the world.

In the multi-racial country of Malaysia, 'Pac-Man' is a slang term coined to describe men who only date ladies of other races.

The name 'Pac-Man' has been given to a nebula, cataloged as NGC 281. The Pac-Man Nebula is an H II region in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It includes or is near the open cluster IC 1590, the double star HD 5005, and several Bok globules. The shape of the nebula resembles the famous video game icon, Pac-Man. It is visible in amateur telescopes from dark sky locations.

The Cassini Robotic spacecraft (Cassini-Huygens) were captured images during a close pass to the moon of Saturn named 'Mimas', and collected by the composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS). The images show the fluctuating temperatures experienced by Mimas. The combined map with this images form a shape of this character Pac-Man.

On May 21, 2010, to celebrate Pac-Man's 30th Anniversary, Google, the famous internet search engine, has created the first ever interactive Doodle! This doodle allowed people to play Pac-Man on the home page (at the place of the original logo).

Dig-Dug Coin-Op Classic

Dig Dug is single screen action game in which the player must dig horizontal and vertical tunnels to reach and eliminate the underground-dwelling monsters living there. This is achieved by either inflating them with an air pump until they explode, or by dropping rocks onto them.

There are two kinds of enemies in the game; 'Pookas' (a race of round, red monsters) and 'Fygars' (a race of green, fire-breathing dragons). Monsters are initially trapped in caves and can escape in one of two ways: Dig Dug can dig them out, after which they will immediately start chasing the player, but after the set time monsters can also escape a cave by turning into ghosts. In this form they can't be killed are aren't restricted to using tunnels to move around. They can float through solid dirt and travel diagonally but once a ghost enters a tunnel, it can be killed.

The monsters move faster than Dig Dug in vertical tunnels and slower on the surface. They will kill Dig Dug on contact and 'Fygar' can also kill Dig Dug by breathing fire on him. Fygar can only breathe fire horizontally but his flames can penetrate solid dirt. A partially inflated monster will gradually deflate and recover after a few seconds but while deflating, Dig Dug can pass safely through it.

The deeper underground an enemy is when it's killed, the more points are awarded. Each screen has four depth levels and these are darker in colour the further underground they are. Additionally, Fygars are worth double points if exploded horizontally rather than vertically (since they can only breathe fire horizontally and therefore present a greater threat).

Extra points are awarded for dropping rocks onto enemies rather than inflating them and after the player has dropped two rocks, a bonus item appears at the center of the screen, awarding points if the player collects it before it disappears. The two rocks only have to be dropped, the bonus item will appear irrespective of whether or not the rocks killed an enemy. These bonus items consist of various fruit and vegetables, as well as the flagship from the Namco game Galaxian.

The last enemy in a round will try to escape via the top left of the screen and if he succeeds, potential points are lost. The round numbers are represented by flowers at the top-right of the screen. After every fourth round, the colour of the dirt will change. Successive rounds feature an increasing number of monsters that also move at a faster speed.