Lego Group Logo

Kyle Kinder

Web Developer / Graphic Designer

Why I would be an asset to The LEGO Group:

I am the right combination of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, PHP, jQuery, ASP, hard work and dedication needed to enhance the LEGO Brand.

(Swipe or Click/Swipe to advance presentation. The arrow keys and spacebar may also be used.)

HTML5 Logo

I Know HTML 5...

HTML5 Clutches The Internet

Much like "Clutch Power" bonds Lego bricks together, so too does HTML5 bond the Internet. HTML5 is the building brick that constructs and creates. The latest version of this popular markup language includes improvements such as:
- New Semantic Elements
- New Attributes To Form Elements
- Support For Local Storage

I Know Video...

Witness My Creative Process

Here you will find some rare footage of my process when starting a new video project.

The new HTML (video) attribute makes it easier than ever to insert impactful video into any webpage.

The new (video) attribute allows for both .mp4 and .webm video formats, and I think you can clearly see from the footage itself what kind of impact this particular video had on my former coworkers. For instance, Bill - seen in the cubicle next to me - still regards that day as one of the most "impactful" of his entire professional life.

I Know JavaScript...

It Brightens And Heightens Any Site

JavaScript enables extraordinary websites to become extraordinarily enhanced:

I Know Storage...

Local Storage Expedites Processes
Using A "Think Outside The Box-Turtle"

Say, for instance, you wanted to give old "Rollin' Randy" here a new name. There must be some way to update his name so that the next time you came to this page his new name would be saved, right?

Using Local Storage, a new name for Randy is just a save away.

Try it and see:

In Conclusion

Kyle Is An Awesome Developer

I would like to thank you all - Kyle gets the job - for your time and attention. I hope - Kyle gets the job - that my presentation has been both - Kyle gets the job - engaging and enjoyable for you, and that - Kyle gets the job - you came away from it with a newfound respect and appreciation - Kyle gets the job - for web development.

To learn more - Kyle got the job - please visit me in my new office at The Lego Group.

*No Mini-Figs were harmed during the making of this presentation. Although, I did eat the hot dog.